Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Highlights by Mrs. Greazel

 I thought you'd enjoy seeing some  highlights of our recent work.

As we ended our Illinois unit and began our new Science Unit on the Solar System, many students chose to reflect on all they learned about Illinois and created a PicCollage to represent the highlights of that unit.

Here are 2 examples for you to see. Ask your child if they completed one and they can email it to you.

Last week, the author Candace Fleming came to Dryden.  We've been reading, comparing, reviewing, and recording fluency excerpts of her books over the last few weeks, so we have become familiar with many of her books.  That made it so exciting to meet her in person and hear how she got story seeds and developed some of the stories we read.  The way she got the ideas for her books were very different from the published story.  Some of us even got our books signed at the end of her presentation.
Candace Fleming talking with 3rd-5th grade
Candace Fleming autographing books

We've also been working hard on our Personalized Learning Research.  Each child has developed a question that they have wondered about. They are able to research any topic that they choose.  They're  spending time researching and finding the answer to this personalized question.  We have a wide range of topics in our classroom that cover just about anything and everything you can think of.  Ask your child what they're wondering about and what they've discovered.  The kids are so excited about their research and very engaged in this process.  We'll be excited to share more!

planet research by Emily

This week we have been doing a little research on planets in the LMC. We have a packet that we put down our facts in. At the end when we're all done with our facts about our planets we will do a presentation. After we vote on what  planet is the best in different categories, we get solar awards like the Oscar awards! We're really exited about getting the solar awards from all the hard work we've done! See what happens when we post the news!!

New website links by Nicole & Evie

We posted these fun games on our blog. We have Penguin jump that can help you learn your multiplication facts. Penguin jump is a super fun math game where you can play mutiplucation with your friends. Funbrain is a super awesome website where you can read, do math and super fun games!!!  Look on the links tab for these new websites and try them out!

Fraction Sundaes by Maeve

This group is working to cut out their scoops.
At school we are learning about fractions. So to do something fun we made fraction sundaes.We all got in groups and did sundaes.
Danny & Erik building their sundae!
 Nicole & Kaya are busy cutting out chocolate scoops.
Anzhelo & Ethan gluing their scoops onto their sundae.

Daniel & Nickolai wanted just 1 more scoop.
Shayna & Ainsley making bubble gum scoops.

We wrote  the  fractions and equivalent fractions for each flavor. The scoops for each flavor were a fraction of the total number of scoops. We did a lot of flavors. Then we made equivalent fractions for each flavor fraction, also. Some sundaes were really big. THEY TURNED OUT GREAT!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Skyping Mrs Berg

                                   When all 20 of us popped  in the door  on St.Patrick's Day  Mrs Greazel came and said, "Surprise!!!!!" and we all saw Mrs Berg On Skype!!!!!!!! We  all said hi to her all together with the girls  jumping on Mrs Berg. When Nicole told her she was going to St Louis she was so excited.


                                We all told Mrs Berg were we were going on vacation and some of us told her that we were staying in beautiful Arlington Heights. We were so excited when Mrs Berg Skyped us. We were so happy to see Mrs Berg's face. We all gathered around to the computer to see Mrs Berg. Everybody pushed to see a good view of the computer and Mrs Berg and her little girls. After that,  Mrs. Berg was still on Skype.We filled out our assignment notebook and whoever filled it out got to say hi to Mrs Berg in private. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, all the way to 20 kids. It was so much fun to see Mrs Berg on Skype. We enjoyed it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Judicial Branch Ruling by Danny C.

As the Judicial Branch due to the 13th amendment neither girls first in line or boys carry girls' backpacks are a law. They are unconstitutional.