Sunday, August 30, 2015

I "Mustache" you a question....

As a fun way of getting to know each other, we interviewed each other in an unusual way. We designed mustaches for ourselves, so we could say,"I mustache you a question!"  Then, the kids walked around asking each other "would you rather" questions. We found out a lot about each other's likes and dislikes and had a lot of fun in the process!

"I mustache you a question!"

"I mustache you a question...would you rather live on a farm or in a tiny apartment?" 

"I mustache you a question...would you rather wear a snowsuit on a hot day or a swimming suit in the snow?"

"We mustache you a question...aren't 4th graders great!  


We all know about selfies, but have you heard of "Usies" ? If you take a picture yourself, with a group of people, it's called an "Usie". We read an article about the "Usie" phenomenon and took some ourselves. Ask your child what they thought was interesting about the article. Enjoy our "Usies"!

Andrew, Nate, Owen, Katie, Jameson,Maeve, and Faiz

Diana, Natalia, Maggie, Anzhelo, Mustafa, Nico, and Jakub

Nickolai, Connor, Amina, Demetri, and Mia

1st Day Pics

I wanted to share these pictures that I took as the students lined up to enter the building on the first day of school.  What a great class we have!  You can see the excitement, eagerness, and enthusiasm in each picture.
Demetri,Faiz,Anzhelo,and Jakub

Mia, Amina, and Jameson

Jameson, Maeve, & Katie

Mustafa and Nico

Nate, Owen, and Andrew

Connor and Maggie