What's Happening This Week...
- Curriculum Night is this Wednesday, September 3rd
- First spelling test of the year this Friday
Spelling: Students brought home their own spelling list for the week. They also brought home 2 practice sheets to complete using their word list. These sheets can be completed and turned in on Friday.
Reading Log: Each student has a reading log in their take home folder. Students are required to read 100 minutes a week, for a total of 400 minutes for the month. We discussed how to log the minutes and also to make a plan to complete all the minutes that fits with their schedule. Minutes will be checked every Monday morning.
We are reading First Day Jitters this week. We will use this story to help learn our reading routines and look at story elements.
Math has focused on reviewing the number grid, telling time, using math tools and collecting data.
We have started taking our math fact tests. I encourage students to practice their math facts several times a week to improve their fact fluency.
We will be looking at using juicy words in our writing this week. We will also review sentence structure and types of sentences.
Have a great week!