Thursday, September 22, 2016

Our 1st meeting with our 2nd grade friends!

We're going to partner with Miss Wilson's 2nd grade classroom, periodically throughout this year for a variety of educational purposes. Today was our first meeting!  Miss Wilson and I compared our curriculum that 2nd and 4th grade have both been studying world geography and landforms at different levels of complexity.  So, we put our heads together and completed a world map today!  4th graders labeled the Prime Meridian, Equator, hemispheres, and NE, NW, SE, SW on the compass rose.  2nd graders made the basic compass rose with the 4 main cardinal directions, and labeled the continents and oceans. By the time we were done, we had made new friends and had a great geography of all we've both learned!  Next week, we're going to go on a hunt for basic landforms on every continent.

New Friends & Learning Buddies!