Saturday, November 19, 2016

Cardboard Challenge Games

The kids worked hard designing and building their Cardboard Challenge Games.

They recorded their videos to explain their game and demonstrate how it worked.  They did a great job of using their game to collect data.  They also used the data they collected to make modifications to their game.  They utilized a lot of problem solving and critical thinking skills throughout this project.  I was amazed at what they accomplished!

Cardboard Challenge Game Videos
Veronica & Ashlyn's Ferris Wheel
Olivia, Erik, & Jack M's target balance throw

Ben, Costa, & Gabi's dunk tank

Xander, Sam, & Grant's Angry Bird's game

Henry, James, Jack, & Zachary "What's Inside Silkie?" game

Jadynn, Kylie, Jessica, & Ola Mr. Cookie Toss