On Friday we toured the other 4th grade classrooms' Native American Region exhibits. We learned so much from Mr. Noltner's exhibit on the Southwest, Mr. Sobota's exhibit about the Plateau and exhibits showcasing the Pacific Northwest and the Eastern Woodland's in Mrs. Schwarz's class. Each classroom's exhibits highlighted their region's environment, and showcased artifacts of food, shelter, tools, and clothing that were representative of the way the Native Americans of that region survived. Students clicked on QR codes where they heard explanations of the artifacts to help them understand the resources used to make each artifact and how that artifact helped the Native Americans in that region. Students took notes to help them remember what they saw. Tomorrow we're going to compare and contrast the similarities and differences between the food, shelter, tools, and clothing of each region and try to answer the question: How does where you live affect how you live? This could be a fun question to ask your child at the end of the week to see what they have to say.