Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Mrs. Sessler read to us today! by Diana, Nickolai, & Nate
Mrs. Sessler came into our class today and read us the book Taking a Bath With the Dog and Other Things That Make Me Happy by Scott Menchin. It was an interesting book because it helps you think about what makes other people happy and it can give you ideas about how to cheer yourself up. It made us feel happy to hear what brings other people joy. Some of the ideas were silly. For example, taking a bath with the dog was one character's idea! Also, some of the ideas were unusual, like when a character said that stripes made him happy. No matter how you make yourself happy, you should always be able to use your imagination and find what you like.
Afterwards, during our writing time, we wrote about what makes us happy. Ask us about it when we get home tonight!