The Smart Swagalicious Sailors of Awesomeness were inspired to share their love (and awesomeness) with others this Patriot Day by performing good deeds. We decided, as a class, that Patriot Day was the perfect day to say thank you to the police and firefighters of Arlington Heights. We thought thanking the men & women of our hometown,was a great way to pay tribute to all the police and firefighters of New York that served so valiantly on 9/11.
The kids poured a lot of TLC into crafting these special cards to the police and firefighters of Arlington Heights.
9/11 good deeds youtube clip -This is the inspiration for how we celebrated Patriot Day. Mrs. Sessler & Mrs. Beane provided everyone at Dryden with red yarn to tie around our fingers after our good deed was done.
We're proudly wearing our red reminder yarn to show off that we remembered to do a good deed today.
After school, my kids and I delivered the thank you cards along with bags of Lifesavers to the AHPD & the Arlington Heights firefighters on Sigwalt. They were all so appreciative that our class took the time to write them thank you notes. They were so touched by the kindness these heartfelt notes shared with them and expressed that this simple gesture meant a lot.