Our class had a blast at our Halloween party! We played some puzzles like Halloween crossword puzzles. We played pumpkin bowling with Mrs. Greazel, we played bean bag toss with Mrs. Topps, we stacked plastic cups with Mrs. Smith, and we passed eye balls to each other with spoons with Mrs. Grave. At pumpkin bowling instead of a bowling ball we actually used a pumpkin! At cup stacking we had to build a pyramid fast! At the eye ball pass we put the tip of a plastic spoon in our mouths then passed a fake eye ball and we were not allowed to use hands! At bean bag toss, we got three turns to get 1 point 2 points or 3 points. We got to win prizes too!
Everybody's costume was great, as well. There was a monster soccer player and so many bananas!

The treats we had were delicious! We had chocolate cupcakes and cuties with celery on top. It looked like a pumpkin!
Our class had the best Halloween party ever! Thank you Mrs. Topps, Mrs. Grave, & Mrs. Smith for your planning, preparation and help! Also, thank you to everyone who contributed!