Friday, November 13, 2015

Science project fun!! by Maeve

We have been working on our science projects for the past few weeks!! The first step we did was pick out what we really wanted to research about. You either did a project about volcanoes or mountains. Most people picked volcanoes. Only a few picked mountains.

 The next step was to research. Everyone picked to use a different type of note taking structure. The most popular structure was boxes and bullets. We all got all different topics.

The step after that was to start your project. Everyone had a different project the most popular project was posters or slideshows. When you present some groups have props or even hats made out of paper of volcanoes or mountains. Most groups used paper stuff. They used the paper for diagrams of volcanoes.

 The last step is to present. The group that is up next goes and what ever the project they did they show it to us. The groups when they are done presenting the other people ask questions.

Mustafa, Jakub & Nickolai teachinb about how Volcanoes are formed.
 How Volcanoes are formed- Mustafa's Koma Koma video & googledoc
Maggie, Diana, Natalia, & Mia showed us the differences between underwater & land volcanoes.  

Nico, Amina, & Jameson informed us about how volcanic eruptions affect the landscape.

They made a play about King Volcano & Queen Lava affecting the landscape around them.
Connor, Nate & Faiz taught us about how volcanoes change the surface of the Earth.

Connor, Nate & Faiz's google slideshow presentation

Anzhelo & Demetri teaching about tectonic plates and how they change the surface of the Earth.

Demetri & Anzhelo's google slideshow presentation

Andrew & Owen teaching about how mountains are made with a Google slide show and Koma Koma videos.

Andrew & Owen's google slideshow
Nate, Connor, & Faiz even remembered to give credit to the sites they used to get their information.

Maeve & Katie created a news report about how mountains change shape over time.