On Friday, we met our 2nd grade buddies from Miss Wilson's class for the first time! They chose a book for us to read to them. But, as agents of D.B.I., we can't stop with that! We decided to ask our buddies questions about what they like to read about, what their interests are, what genres they like, and the length of book that they like. We documented all of their answers and then plan to analyze all of the evidence we collected next week. Once we look at all of the evidence and draw some conclusions about our 2nd grade buddies' preferences, we're going to choose a new book for them that we think they will enjoy and share it with them the next time we meet. This investigation will help solidify our own understanding of genres, which is part of our first Reading unit! After analyzing our buddies' reading preferences, we're going to analyze our own. Understanding our reading preferences will help us in our book selection, but will also help us grow in our reading by identifying new genres to try that we don't typically read. Stay tuned to find out what our investigations uncover!

Paige was excited that her buddy chose Cat in the Hat because she performed in Seussical the Musical this summer! |